
Accordion-playing Boba Fett


Little-known "Star Wars" trivia: Playing the accordion is actually Boba Fett's day job.

Little-known "Star Wars" trivia: Playing the accordion is actually Boba Fett's day job.


We were sitting on the steps of the Met eating bagels (from Tal’s) last week when we saw this man (or boy?) in a handmade Boba Fett mask walk past us. I thought he was crazy, especially when he sat down and pulled out an accordion. (No joke, though, I’ve always wanted to learn how to play the accordion). A group of school children on a field trip were grabbing lunches of hot dogs and ice cream bars outside the museum, so the man had an instant and fascinated crowd. What was the first song in his set? The “Star Wars” theme of course. I gave him $1 because that’s just awesome. My University of Notre Dame Super Bowl of Pop Culture champion trivia team, The Boba Fett Fan Club, could have used his mask-making abilities last year.

2 Responses to “Accordion-playing Boba Fett”

  1. July 7, 2009 at 11:27 PM

    hahahahahahaha I love your blog Cassie, this is great… I’m living vicariously through you. I’m also looking at the iPod shuffle that the Boba Fett Fan Club won, because we’re awesome. (I’m also still mildly ashamed of my performance in the “Which Tom?” category, but I remain convinced that my failure enabled you guys to get the categories you were going to be good at… Just sayin’ :-D) Miss you, and I hope you’re doing well!

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